+7 (495) 201-14-77

Protection of Copyright & Related Rights, Intellectual Property

For Individuals

Depending on the branch of law that protects copyright and related rights, the following methods of protection are distinguished:

Civil law protection is required in relation to the following illegal actions:

  • copying (replication of books, records, etc.);
  • distribution of the work (rental, sale, etc.);
  • public demonstration;
  • public performance of the work in concert halls, theaters, etc .;
  • broadcast of the work by radio, television, etc .;
  • translation of the work into other languages;
  • reworking (plagiarism).

The rightholder may require the offender:

  • restoration of violated rights;
  • compensation for property damage;
  • payment of compensation in the amount of 10 000 to 5 000 000 rubles, taking into account the nature of the violation, its term, consequences, the degree of guilt of the offender and other important circumstances;
  • payment of compensation in the double value of the right to use the work (license), taking into account alternative benefits;
  • payment of compensation at twice the value of counterfeit copies of the work.

Administrative protection is to appeal to higher organizations in relation to the organization of the offender, to the anti-monopoly body or creative union.

Video piracy, audio piracy, counterfeit software, computer and video games are considered as administrative violations of copyright.

An administrative fine may be imposed on violators: up to 2000 rubles for citizens, up to 20 000 rubles for officials, up to 40 000 rubles for companies. In this case, the removal of all counterfeit copies of works, as well as the equipment on which these copies were made.

Criminal protection is used for the most serious violation of copyright and related rights:

  • attribution of authorship (plagiarism), if this act caused major damage to the author or other copyright holder;
  • purchase, storage, transportation of counterfeit copies of works or phonograms for marketing purposes, committed on a large scale.

Criminal Code provides for liability:

  • a fine of up to 200 000 rubles;
  • a fine in the amount of the salary or other income of the convict for the period up to 18 months;
  • mandatory work for up to 480 hours;
  • correctional labor for up to 1 year;
  • arrest for up to 6 months.

We are ready to provide support in the protection of intellectual property rights quickly and efficiently in the Chamber of Patent Disputes, the Federal Antimonopoly Service, the court on intellectual rights, as well as in foreign state and judicial institutions that resolve these issues.

What is included in the service

  • legal advice;
  • analysis of the situation;
  • preparation of documents to the relevant authorities;
  • representation in court and in the police;
  • collecting evidence to protect infringed rights.

Cost of services

Cost of services from 2200 € *
* Final cost depends on the list of required services.



Prepare documents to protect registered copyright in a work of music.


Lawyers prepared a claim on behalf of the client against the defendant, but the pre-trial settlement of the dispute did not lead to a positive result. We filed a claim demanding the prohibition of the use of a work similar to our client’s music demanding compensation. The claims were satisfied, the court determined compensation in the amount of 1.5 million rubles.

The problem the client faced

In relation to Oleg Popkov, a famous composer, and F.B. Kirkorov, a famous singer, a claim was filed by Marouani D. about plagiarism of the song “Cruel Love”. Popkov O. and Kirkorov F.B. had to protect their honor, dignity and, most importantly, to refute the fact of plagiarism. They turned to our lawyers with such a request.

Actions of the “Razumovskaya & Partners” Law Office team

The lawyer represented interests in court of all instances, there was a long and painstaking struggle and considerable efforts were made. A counterclaim was filed against Marouani D. for the recovery of moral damage in the amount of 1.5 million rubles.

The client’s benefit

Is that the fact of plagiarism is refuted, the good name of the composer is protected. Also, the benefit consisted in the recovery of moral damage in the amount of 1,500,000 rubles.

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